A good old-fashioned Minecraft Adventure Map

 h , I confess we were all down on our luck and maybe bored as well when a tall, hooded ranger came out of the night and presented to the Inn. Open to any thing that promised diversion, and so, counted as entertainment, we welcomed the stranger with the smiling sygnol on his breast.

Soon though, he showed that we were open to adventure as well.

  A jolly fellow, and generous, we were quickly immersed in his casual tall tales punctuated by wild scenes of daring . . .

. . . and foolish hilarity.

  Turning more serious in the early hours of a new day, with the same prospects and expectations of many a previous day's beginning, the stranger began a story of a land ripe for adventure.

  He went on to explain that the same war and disease that had reduced our own fine area to wrack had depopulated the whole of the neighboring kingdom, leaving it open to "salvage".
And, indeed, it seemed a shame that the wealth described would go to naught moldering away for lack of interest.

  Since the talk had evolved from stirring tales of adventure there were a few boasts shouted and hesitant queries suggested. At this the ranger drew himself up and cast mild insults and dismissals to all around.

  "Think you possessing of the courage to even desire of such a venture? The strength to ward the dangers and the wit to recognize same ? Do any of you imagine having the stones to help wrest a kingdom to their hand ?"

  Stoic, the ranger stood while regarding each of us in turn as the returned insults, catcalls and rude derision rang. Waiting for the inevitable quieting the ranger calmly reached into his black-as-black duster and drew forth a scroll with a flourish.

"Perhaps your courage, or merely your interest, will be entertained by this map and it's markings."

Making as if to spread the roll of thick-weave cloth, the now very serious-faced man quickly scanned the whole group again. The ranger ground out "And I intend to make good use of this information. As a visitor, an explorer, to be sure. As a . . ." another quick glance around " helper for those in need . . . maybe establish myself."

  "Looting, you mean !" came from one of the old ones from the back of the suddenly quiet room.

  "Aye," a shrug from the stranger "while rude, it is good word use."

  With half of us fixated on the proported rolled map and the other portion - such as, forgive me, my own self - imagining easy wealth the ranger threw out the challenge "What will it be, my buckos ? I am going regardless. Join and follow! Of course, with this map and . . ."
a pause - " other information, I shall expect to be the one to determine our progress."

He made again to unflurl the roll but, again meeting the eyes of the room, with a different timber to his voice demanded "So, is it to be a pure adventure - to explore and" another shrug "live off of what the land provides? Or for looting. . . ?" smiled the ranger with a wink.

Finally spreading the cloth scroll he proclaimed "There is plenty for all!"

  More softly, "At least, until some black-hearted bastard does their own sifting of this sadly undefended land."

Do you dare ?

We suggest that Difficulty be on 'Normal' or higher.

Pillage THEN burn (Except in Emergency, of course)

(Standard Double-Dog dare to go in on "Hardcore" . . . )

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31Mb zipped to 26Mb

********* simple, no? **********


This map was built-up from a another map downloaded from the Internet then enhanced in Survival Mode and is meant for adventuring and exploring. Hey, there are some nice homesteads available.
It will take time to explore everything - even in Creative Mode - and there are a few locations not marked on the map presented.

Suggested mission objectives :

    Visit all the marked places on the map - (Don't forget to hit that F2)

    find and then thrive at a Base - (Rated 'Very Do-able')

    find and plunder the Dark Castle - (Deemed 'Impossible' in Hardcore)


31Mb zipped to 26Mb !

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Undefended - Download Adventure !
version 1.12 . . .

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