Dear Mystic DiaryMy Trip To Dread Bunny-Fluff So, the leader had said that he knew the secret, Witch-only knowledge to find the throneroom and make away with the Old Kings' loot. "A hearty jaunt" he said. He denied that either the Castle or the loot was cursed or watched over by cursedness. A genuine-looking map was produced and excitement overcame our good sense. Following the instructions carefully we finally arrived at the infamous BunnyFluff castle. Ancient in being and a long, long time in abandonment. Past the Leaning Mountain and the thick tree stand directly after. Mist and fog, thick enough to impart a feeling of actual weight, accompanied us the morning we captured our destination. Deep woods crowded our view the last bit and when the trees opened enough to see the castle the arcane, eye-confusing, ancient symbols on the edifice's front shocked the mind and set confusion to our senses. Were they cartouches or madly clever ramparts? Just inside the main entrance a chest, nearly hidden from casual sight by cobwebs and dust, gave up some old, worn armor and a couple of abused iron blades. We are all armed now and I am wearing an honest set of leather protection! Dust is deep and everywhere. Can not see into the entrance to the Area of Receiving. Rather, I can see so far that the dark is all I see, I am unable to see no further wall nor column nor fixture. After a short interlude during which our leader said that he was giving "due honor" to a former commander ( by the sound of it he either poured some wine onto a grave site or he pissed on it ) we marched around close to the east side of the huge structure. Always keeping an eye out for the horrible, green and aptly named Creepers. There are many stories about the castle's mystical Firewall. It has been related over and again the release of fire if the walls are breached. Our guide allows, that while sounding as if taken from some vigorous fevered dream, the walls do protect from sapping or tunneling. Of course, our guide stated that there was a way through the Firewall. "Indeed, two!" he exclaimed, then more normally his voice added "but the one is no different than real work . . ." It looks logical that the whole castle was started on the highest local natural point. From there was made an overhang at the top of very steep ground. Our guide, while constantly checking for Creepers, told of how the overhang was known in the Old King's time as The Skirt. "And it has never been violated" while chuckling. It was well known that the fortress had repulsed many assaults as it continued to grow. Different eras had marked their own additions with differing design and detail. Tales are grandly told of how one of The Old Kings had the Firewall deployed after a wall was briefly breached in a siege. That story ends in the total defeat of the besieging army. And since then the walls and bastions have served their purpose, but after all, it is also well known that the castle had not fallen to any outside armed force. There are various tales of how the original keep had literally embraced its Doom from the first. That the Skirt had been established over a deep, enchanted, natural cavern that held darkness and malice. Talk was that as the castle grew it intertwined with the cavern's gestalt and that the Firewall had made the metaphysical connection complete. Our guide, while "taking the long way around to show you the end of a shortcut" meaning that this knowledge might be useful in our retreat from the castle proper. He also explained that there was a weakness here in the south wall. "The Firewall is still deep here but the fire doesn't start down above the finished stone." Half of the wall is without the mystic protection! Grinning, the guide pointed out the kind of crossfire the defenders would be able to lay down on any who sought to ladder up that portion of the wall. Such an arrangement made sense, archers from The Skirt and the corner tower - "the Backside Watch" (more ribaldry involving women's dress) - could sweep the wall itself and most of the ground at its feet. Turning back into the trees to the east of the drear castle we soon arrived at a small, one might say mean, collection of abandoned shacks. Our guide had us drink lots of water and rest, always looking out for the hated Creepers. The empty shire did not convey ancient disuse but was broken down and uncared for. Now, our guide told us, it was time for the warned-of leap of faith. It was only a step away and he would go first - staying behind meant making your way back without his help or his map. He warned us yet again that we would have to follow his lead through many passages both wide and narrow. If we got separated and lost we would be doomed. After this next step there would no way to turn back. No one got lost and we actually made it, in an exhausted state, to the Throneroom. The way there was long, dark and infested with foul and dangerous attacks from all directions. No lowering of our alertness, scant time to eat and less for sleep. Updating my diary did not occur to me. Our guide made use of a lever to reveal a passage where before was blank running wall. He had said earlier that he was descended from witch stock and not a one of us had believed a word of it until that moment. The way out was so confusingly up and down with many, many turns but we somehow returned into the sky at the top of The Skirt. Our leader decided that the day was too far along to attempt the escape from the castle so we did some sightseeing, mostly in the hope of finding more loot. The Belltower is reported to be the last structure built before the Fall with peasant murmurings of it's being too tall, too proud and either raping the clouds or tearing the sky raining potent curses from above. Our leader assures us that The Central Courtyard connects to nearly every part of the castle "If you know your way." SO exciting, and the night has only begun! Lots of good Mystic Diary Viewings and I even saw the legendary spider-riding skeleton! We believe that we found the gold breastplate missing from the Throneroom! The romance value is enormous but it was useless as armor and is rather shabby in appearance. It has been wisely decided to withdraw into what looks to have been a guardroom to receive a good rest and a hearty meal before striking out. It has been explained that is better to rope-drop off The Skirt rather than try to find a way out the front - The Skirt's edge was a couple dozen paces away while the front entrance was on the opposite side of the castle. We plan to stay and revive ourselves for a full day. For myself, I welcome the chance to recuperate for the trip back. I am not sure what the others have in mind - leisure or looting on the marrow. Tired as I am I wish to be away from this dangerous ruin. (and there the Diary ends) |
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Bunny Fluff